Wednesday 1 August 2007

Cooking with Zaia

Recently my children each chose and helped cook a favorite meal, but only one of them created her own recipe and then taught me (her mother) how to cook it.


Zaia's chicken tacos with NO onions.
(official transcribed recipe)

You cook some chicken in a pan.
Put in:
The taco flavor
1 chopped-up-not-spicy-red-pepper
A lot of corn
And... don't put ANY onions.
Cook until hot.

Make the tortillas warm
Then put in some chicken with cold tomatos, avocados, some sour cream, and some more cold tomatos on top.

Eat the yummy tacos!

I followed her directions exactly, and she made SURE I was careful! They were quite good.

Oh, Zaia will turn three next month :)